Following with our series of entries where we go over the functional importance of a multitude of nutrients, today we have to talk about proteins, one of the fundamental nutrients and more to take into account in people who exercise.

We count the protein importance at functional level and in the life of the athlete, as well as the recommended amounts, and we invite you to know our top of foods rich in proteins.

The protein importance at functional level and in the life of the sportsmanFunctionality of proteins

The proteins or prótidos are biomolecules formed by linear chains of amino acids constituting the most diverse and versatile molecules of the human body. They play a fundamental role for the growth of our body, in addition to performing many functions, since most biological processes carried out by the body depend directly on the presence and activity of these molecules.

Its functionality ranges from muscle contraction, through actin and myosin, to enzymatic, structural, hos- costatic, immunological, hormonal or receptor functions of the cells.

Importance of protein at muscle level

If there is a vital macronutrient, for muscle growth and tissue repair, it is protein; Meeting needs will be crucial to achieving physical results

In addition to the importance of these molecules in all the functions we have discussed, the presence of recommended levels of protein in our diet will be directly linked to our muscular anabolic function, being essential for muscle strengthening and growth.

To achieve hypertrophy or muscle gain, in addition to exercise and training, the body must meet the daily needs of proteins through diet, as we speak of essential amino acids that does not generate the body itself.

Recommended Daily Amount of Protein

The daily amount of protein we need to take varies depending on personal factors, such as sex, and the intensity of physical work we follow and our goals. You will not need the same amount of contribution a sedentary person, that another that works the bodybuilding frequently.

  • Sedentary people: daily requirement amounts to 0.8g / kg body weight in response to minimal wear of protein through daily activities.
  • Sports people : in this case the daily requirement of protein intake amounts to around 1.5-2g / kg body weight. In the case of people working strength is usually rounded to 1.8g / kg body weight.

Biological value of proteins

Depending on how we assimilate our body proteins we can say there are some of higher quality of others. This is what we usually know as the biological value of proteins.

In order to know the quality of the proteins we take, we must know what part of the total of the ingested become part of our body. This factor will depend on what we know as biological value. To know this value we will take into account the amount of incoming and outgoing nitrogen, in a percentage absorption scale of 0 to 100.

Generally the sources of protein of higher quality, according to their proportion of essential amino acids and their digestibility, usually correspond to foods of animal origin: fish, meat (red and white), eggs , seafood, milk … Although in the case of Vegan people, can also find protein in vegetable foods such as tofu, quinoa or seitan.

Top Protein Foods

In our next entry we will propose our top of foods rich in proteins, including all the products that should not be missing in your diet, especially if you are an athlete, and a lot of ideas to cook new protein dishes.