Dentures are specially made oral gadgets designed to replace teeth that are missing. They are tailored moulds in plastic that fit your mouth but can often feel odd for a few weeks as you get used to them. One odd sensation is the increased production of saliva during this adjustment period, resulting in the denture to sneak around just a little bit, and you could develop some sore point in the process.

Adapting to life with dentures can take time as the muscles in your face get used to a different bite and the changing position of the lips, cheeks and tongue. Thankfully, there are steps you can take to lessen these effects as the dentures settle in. For Dentures Southend on Sea, visit a site like Hockley Dental who offer a comprehensive Southend on Sea Dentures service.

A top rule to follow when wearing new dentures is to go slowly with food. Start slowly with soft foods that does not need too much chewing. Eating some types of tougher meat, biscuits and raw carrots will exert excessive pressure on the underlying gum tissue, making the danger of discomfort and inflammation more likely.

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Eating Solid Food

When you’re ready to switch to solid foods, be sure to cut your food into small pieces. You should also be aware of how you chew and how quickly you eat. It is generally best to eat sitting down and allow yourself plenty of time. Eating on the run will be more likely to cause pain and denture slips when you rush through a meal.

Other useful tips:

Be sure to chew equally on both sides, this will help to ensure the dentures remain more stable.

Chew slowly and thoroughly before you swallow. Do not swallow large pieces of food unchewed because you could choke on them.

A drink with your meal. Grain breads and cereals are good for you, but they may stick to your teeth. Eat them with a liquid to make them easier to chew and swallow.

Avoid chewing tough meat. Replace red meat with poultry, fish, eggs, and nuts, or choose slow-cooked or braised meat.

Say no to sticky foods. This includes caramel, marshmallow, toffee, peanut butter, and raisins. It glues to the molars (the teeth that do the chewing) and could break your dentures.

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Eating After Healing

Once you have fully adjusted to wear dentures, ere isn’t much that you won’t be able to enjoy but there may be some food that will always be difficult to eat, such as food that hard, sticky or contains small hard particles. Even with well-fitting strong dentures, there are some foods that you will want to eat with caution:

raw vegetables

hard fruit


crusty bread



chewing gum



Eating a healthy diet requires the ability to chew your food, which is not an easy task if you have just fitted with new false teeth but with the above tips and some time and patience, you will chew and eat normally within a few weeks.