When you run or manage a business, there are a number of roles that you need to ensure that you have within that business. Here are some of them for you to consider.

Receptionist/Administrator – you will need to think about who will meet and greet visitors to your business and who will deal with any queries that may come in. This role can be fulfilled by receptionists and administrators. You can combine these two roles so that they move between greeting and then completing any admin duties that may be necessary.

Finance – all businesses will need someone who can manage the day-to-day finances of the business. This may be an accounts person, or it may be a bookkeeper. It will depend on the size of your business and whether you outsource any of your financial needs as to what roles you should have.

First Aiders – once your business reaches a certain size, you need to think about having members of your team trained in first aid. This is to ensure the safety of your staff and any visitors to your business, and it is a legal requirement. You can find Emergency First Aid Training Courses from places like https://www.tidaltraining.co.uk/emergency-first-aid-training-courses/.

Fire Marshal – again once your business reaches a larger enough size, you will need to have a fire protection policy in place. As a part of this, you will need to consider having fire marshals in place to help in the event of an evacuation.