The Visitor Management System that is Secure, Confidential and Accurate.
The old-fashioned method of checking visitors into Schools, Hospitals, Care Homes and other potentially vulnerable premises by means of a hand-written booking in System was by no means a safe, secure and accurate method. Simple mistakes were often made and important details unintelligible because of an individual’s writing style. There is now a new, modern, Visitor Management System on the market, that’s been developed, tried and tested by an experienced, trusted business that is revolutionising the way all visitors are checked into secure sites. Any personal visitor details are entered into a secure Computer programme that complies with all the new, strict GDPR or General Data Protection Regulations.
This State-of-the-Art Secure System ensures Accuracy and Confidentiality and can just as easily be used to install on a Desk-top Computer, Laptop, I-pad or Mobile Phone. This makes it easily transportable in the case of an Emergency Evacuation at the Premises. Once a person’s details have been entered into the System this smart technologically advanced computer programme can allow Identity badges to be printed off to be worn by all visitors, as well as permanent staff members.
Wearing an Identity Badge in the form of a Lanyard is a common way of showing that as an individual you belong at your secure site and anyone not wearing one can be quickly challenged and checked. Having a Secure, Accurate and Confidential, Visitor Management System in place gives Peace of Mind to everyone.