Piperine, the compound of the black pepper that makes us sneeze, could help combat obesity and cholesterol, as demonstrated two studies carried out by researchers from Korea and Thailand. Discover here more about these findings.

If you like to spice up your dishes with a pinch of pepper, if it is black may have a beneficial effect on your health, according to a study conducted by researchers at the Sejong University in Seoul, Korea, and offering a new track help fight obesity naturally.

What with black pepper? This spice from India has a compound called piperine, which is responsible for making us sneeze and apparently also acts as blocking the formation of fat cells.

To reach this finding, which was published in Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, researchers analyzed the effects of piperine on the action of genes in fatty tissues in both laboratory tests and computer models, and they found that piperine interferes with the activity of genes responsible for forming new fat cells.

These studies are preliminary, but if it appears this capacity, black pepper could help eliminate or maintain your desired weight, although this is not the first time that this capability is credited to spicy seasonings.

For example, in this article you had already commented on another study showing that eating pureed vegetables or use some hot spices such as the so-called red pepper or cayenne, cayenne or chili powder or chili powder or ground (depending on the country you are in), it helps to consume fewer calories because they both generate a feeling of satiety.

But if we return to the black pepper, to make us feel satisfied could be just one of the benefits attributed to you. Historically, in traditional Oriental medicine, black pepper has been used to treat problems such as cholera, diarrhea, and other gastrointestinal complications.

Furthermore, in another investigation in this case conducted by researchers at Naresuan University in Thailand, black pepper has been shown to decrease a number of lipids (fats) in the blood in living organisms and inhibits transmitter’s cholesterol in laboratory tests.

According to the study, published in the Journal of Natural Medicine, piperine also plays a leading role, as it appears as a possible mediator to reach that end.

And you, what you like to spice up your meals? It is true that many people do not like strong or spicy flavors, but it may be a matter of getting used to the taste (of course, not to exceed with seasonings).

Even when you have to follow a diet low in sodium (salt) or if you have to modify your diet is a good idea to incorporate new seasonings to enhance the flavor of your meals. The variety is wide and the combinations are endless. You just open up the discovery of new flavors, get carried away by your imagination in the kitchen and do not forget to add a pinch of pepper, not only your food but also your life.