If you have heard the term mindfoodness or conscious food you do not have a very clear idea of what it is, so today we tell you everything about this current that shows us the science of being attentive to every bite .

What does mindfoodness mean?

The term mindfoodness, although it does not have a literal translation, is used to describe a conscious eating, because it derives from mindfulness which is the ability to pay attention to the present moment.

Thus, as if it were a play on words, mindfulness is applied to food and it is called mindfoodness to the science, ability or ability to be attentive to what we eat, to be aware of every morsel that enters the organism.

That is, according to the psychologist-psychotherapist Alejandro Camacho Alpuente, mindfoodness is the use of mindfulness applied to food, involves relating to food through mindfulness or full consciousness.

It is not a technique to reduce weight, nor a particular diet, if a science that helps us relate more healthily to food.

How to apply mindfoodness to my life

Carrying a conscious diet involves having all the senses put into what we eat, but it also requires an emotional, cognitive, behavioral work and much more that helps us achieve self-knowledge to adjust our diet to the needs of the body.

That is, among other things, implies being able to identify the body’s signals : eating when we are hungry and stop eating when we are already satiated. Also we can taste and feel pleasure when eating a snack that we like.

One of the objectives is to be able to control psychological hunger and identify real or physiological hunger, to become fully aware of what we eat by applying different resources and thus, to focus on mindfoodness or mindful eating, another denomination of conscious eating.

In order to put it into practice in everyday life, mindfoodness requires a training in which self-control, awareness towards our body and habits, and also the multisensory development applied to food are favored.

With all this, it is possible to become more aware of the food we carry, our habits and the relationship with food.

The Benefits of Mindfoodness

The mindfoodness, to promote self-awareness and self-control, is a good resource to promote health through diet.

Not only does it contribute to a healthier relationship with what we eat and for that, it can help us take care of our mental and emotional health, but it can also mean a good strategy for achieving a healthy body and weight .

A study published in Eating Disorders has shown that Mindfoodness contributes to prevent eating disorders of all kinds, even favors the control of behaviors associated with obesity such as emotional eating or external factors, as well as binge eating, according to research By Obesity Reviews.

With Mindfoodness try to achieve a better relationship with food, enjoy and feel pleasure with each bite always respecting the signals of our body.

Mindfulness training applied to food also helps control the ingested portions, as Canadian scientists have shown, which may be due to a better awareness of the state of satiety in the body.

In addition, a study published in the Appetite magazine indicates that mindfulnessstrategies applied to diet favor the reduction of cravings or food intake by emotions or stimuli outside of hunger and the physiological need to eat.

Therefore, mindfoodness can prevent problems of eating disorders as well as help us to avoid excess weight, because we will achieve a better relationship with food, allowing us to enjoy every bite by applying all the senses and feeling pleasure but always listening and respecting the Signs of the organism.

The mindfoodness or conscious power comes to rescue signs and meanings that we have forgotten today because we eat because it’s time to eat, forget to think if we are hungry and often even checked we have eaten. A challenging and interesting strategy to improve our health and nutrition in all its aspects.