Got a new product to launch? Follow these handy tips to get your product launch off the ground:

  1. Really get to know your product. Become a product expert.
  2. Understand the
  3. Create a target audience and then narrow that down to who the perfect buyer would be
  4. Write a press release and make sure it is interesting and engaging.
  5. Simple statements and clear messaging to begin with. You don’t want to get bogged down in the detail at the launch.
  6. Get involved in the pre launch testing of the product to know what people really feel about it.
  7. If your launching a product into a new area of the market then create lots of pre-launch content to get people talking and reacting.
  8. Decide if you will offer free trials or demos. How will you get the customer’s attention?
  9. Choose the right channels for your product. Don’t just blanket target every channel as the audience may not be the right one. Choose one main channel and then support that main channel with blogs, email and social media.
  10. Work closely with your sales team on launch day.


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These are ambitious goals and if you find you may not have the skill set to pull off the perfect product launch then maybe a Strategy Innovation Agency could assist. Try

A different approach would be to do something unique during the release cycle. In today’s busy and overloaded digital world, it is too easy to become forgotten very quickly. Some ideas include a stunt, a dynamic infographic explaining your product, an amusing video clip or a fake public service announcement. These events would be sure to create a pre-launch buzz.

Remember to make it easy for customers to engage with you. As mentioned earlier, offer free trials, product video downloads and demonstrations. Keep the launch rolling as well. Releasing updates and news after the launch will keep it fresh and give journalists a chance to write about your product even after launch day has been and gone.