Since human beings developed they have played games. However,the most fun they seem to have when those games involve a ball. Tennis, Football, Golf, Squash all need to have a ball otherwise there is little point in playing. Even then we have developed the ball into other shapes such as the bladder in American Football and Rugby. The manner in which the ball is made for move varies per sport. In Golf a series of different clubs propel the ball towards a small hole avoiding trees, sand and rough grass. In football every part of the body, with the exception of the arm and hand, can be used to pass and aim the ball towards the goal.

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We all need to look good playing a ball game and this is where a Farah Polo Shirt makes an excellent addition to the wardrobe as it can be worn in a variety of ball game settings. It has a collar for golf and the resilience for Rugby. It is, of course, most suitable for the ball game that it is named after. Namely the noble horse back ridden game of Polo.

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When we play a ball game we are actually recreating a religious ceremony that our ancient ancestors developed to honour the Gods and the seasons.