One of the most important aspects of maintaining a product is that its surface is clean and prepared. This is particularly true when it comes to technical items such as satellites for space operations or the small components inside electronics. Surface Treatments are vital to keeping the products dust and dirt free. These small particles can cause untold damage.


There are many types of surface treatments on the market that can be employed to make sure that the components and parts are ok to continue being used. However the type of surface treatment to be used is very dependent on the job that the component or items is going to do. A Most common example of surface treatments are those that you get on a motorcar. For example, one of the most used and recognised surface treatments is the use of paint. This is something that we can do ourselves on metal at home with brush. In the automotive industry the whole unit is dipped into paint to ensure the whole vehicle is covered.


This is a very simple example. There are others such as plasma and anodised sprays that use superheated highly concentrated mixes that can be directed precisely into certain areas that require it. This also allows for a strong surface treatment over the simple application of paint. It’s certainly true that without them rust and corrosion would be a real issue and degrade the performance of items well before their time.