If you are one of those people who love to download wallpapers and you are always looking for a great new site where to download a wallpaper to decorate your desktop, surely you already know many webs of this style and you have your favorites that you visit with certain frequency. In that case, surely you would be happy to have some tool that would save you that process and bring the images directly to you without having to open several pages.

The application for Windows and Mac that lets you change your wallpaper for beautiful photos in a single clickThis is the case of Splashify, an application for Windows and macOS that offers us a huge number of high quality wallpapers that we can download and install on our computer in just a click. Simple and lethal.

Splashify is a small project by web developer Gilbert Pellegrom. This created the application last Christmas simply because it loves pretty wallpapers and wanted to do something using Electron, a framework that allows you to create desktop applications using web technologies like HTML, CSS and Javascript.

There is not much to say that we can not look at the screenshot. It is an extremely simple and minimalist application that uses the Unsplash API to get its beautiful photographs. It has four sections: publisher selections, popular photos, most recent ones, and a search engine. When you find an image that you like just select it and press the “Set wallpaper” button to apply it.

If you knew Unsplash and you like the photos of the site, you will love this application, it was what happened to me. If you like good photography, too. And, if you want to know more about Splashify you can visit the project page in GitHub.