Despite establish itself as an effective operation to  treat obesity, it is possible that the  gastric bypass,  over about five or six years, can fail and therefore fail to fulfill their duties to satisfy the patient as consequence of the anastomotic mouth dilate again.

From the application of endoscopic techniques, the  repair of  gastric bypass to avoid possible failures and fulfill its purpose of reducing the level of caloric intake consist of a single session without hospitalization.

Repair gastric bypass with endoscopic techniques

The  30% of patients  treated with  gastric bypass  begins to gain weight two years after the intervention, rising to  66%  the number of patients over the course of 4 years. Indeed, if in these cases is not carried out the overhaul and repair of gastric bypass convenient it is possible the patient to return to obesity. It is likely that never reach the levels before the intervention, but it is possible to experience a weight gain considerably with all the consequences to physical and psychological level that may involve for the patient.

To avoid such failures, so far the solution was to subject the patient to a new laparoscopic operation with all the risks this return to surgery for the patient in order to achieve that the anastomotic mouth closed again.

Aware of this situation, doctors Roman Turro, Jorge C. Espinós and Jesus Turro, experts in the treatment of obesity by  endoscopic techniques  and specialists in endoscopy, perform different endoscopic techniques that do not require surgery, by which it is achieved repair possible failures aforementioned gastric bypass. Right now they presented as one of the few specialized units at European level in this area.

As is the case with laparoscopic surgery, the main purpose of this method is to decrease the stomach’s ability to get the full feeling again. However, a major differences regarding these techniques surgery is not shown invasive  for the patient and therefore not in its body incisions generated since the procedure is performed endoscopically.

Besides being a less painful and more efficient process, while representing a shorter hospital stay since there is required a previous admission to treatment, the patient getting his high, hours after concluding with this method.

In any case, it must be borne in mind that this treatment may involve a number of complications.  In this sense, there are cases in which the passage of the stomach can be reached contract on end, generating some discomfort when swallowing or even preventing ingestion. The medical specialist has only dilate the stomach again and so the patient can swallow painlessly.

The best results  obtained from very diverse alternatives of bariatric endoscopy, such as the innovative Aspire method (also known as Gastric Bypass External without surgery, the POSE Method and the BIB, show that the present and future of treatment obesity is based on the development of bariatric endoscopy (a concept that refers to the use of endoscopy for the treatment of obesity) rather than the aforementioned medical team has struggled to make known in diverse international conferences.