Stressed out?
As we enter adulthood there are more life events that are likely to cause us stress. Gone is the carefree joy of childhood and we are forced to deal with things that aren’t always easy to deal with. Here we take a look at some of the most stress-inducing moments we all experience at some point during life as a grown up.
Selling a home – the actual act of trying to sell a house is incredibly stressful, with time limits and the worries of packing up and finding somewhere else to live. People find their blood pressures soar, they fret and worry and there is a lot of paperwork and tooing and froing happening between estate agents and buyers. Even if you are moving to somewhere much better, moving is still a hassle, will majorly disrupt your routine and packing is always a pain.
Starting a new job – even what could be considered as a happy life event, changing roles and responsibilities is also on the list for one of the most stressful life events. This is particularly acute if you’re new to the field, unsure of what is expected of you or having to start at entry level again after many years in the workplace.
Passing your driving test – for some people, this seems a breeze but for others, the looming test can turn them into a quivering jelly. Even the most competent drivers can perform terribly during the pressure of a test situation. They may have to take the test numerous times before getting the pass they so desperately want. For Driving Lessons Wellingborough, please visit
Starting a business – Losing your job, changes at work, job hunting and even promotions are all situations that can make us increasingly anxious. Investing in your own start-up, whether it’s a physical store or online brings financial uncertainty for quite a while, putting pressure on other family members too.
Being the victim of a crime – for anyone affected by personal crimes, assault, burglary, vehicle crime or any type of crime involving your person or property, stress can be caused by fear. A lot depends on how the victim is treated as well. If there is any victim blame and no support or understanding then this can add to an already volatile situation and make anxiety levels sky high.
Other key stressors include the death of a spouse, divorce, imprisonment, marriage, illness and even retirement. You would think that retirement is something to look forward after decades of working but for many it involves a loss of identity and purpose.
Stress is an unwelcome intrusion on your peaceful existence and we strive for orderly and peaceful lives so when something comes along to upset our routine then this can trigger periods of stress. The older we become, the more likely we are to experience events that flip our world upside down and have no control over. Even happy events can induce great deals of stress. A marriage can be exhausting in its preparation. The birth of a new baby is a joyous occasion but sleepless nights and endless demands take there toll.