During the last months the panorama of the technological current has been tinted of a series of news in which, unfortunately, you have probably been immersed. We are referring to the numerous and recent cases of data theft that have endangered the information of hundreds of users and that have been carried out by agents as relevant as Yahoo, Dropbox, Gmail, Tumblr and many others.

A leaks that have shown, once again, how vulnerable we are in the network and we have been forced to offer you a series of tips to help protect you in each of these situations, as well as other more general that have to See with the creation of passwords and other parameters. However, it seems that ignorance is not precisely what leaves us exposed. But let’s explain.

We do not protect ourselves adequately

Thus, a new survey carried out in the United States has just arrived at this conclusion: that although the fear of being hacked is a deeply rooted feeling, the fact is that we do not take too many measures in this regard with the aim of protecting us. That is, there is this awareness that it is necessary to implement security measures, but this is not reflected in practical actions.

Specifically the survey has been overseen by Rad Campaign and Lincoln Park Strategies, an advertising agency and a research firm, respectively; Who have seen how the results also show that up to 69% are concerned about attacks via e-mail, an alarm that has declined by two percentage points since 2014, interestingly.

The document, moreover, reflects that more and more users are distrustful of social networks, while the number of regulars of these communities continues to grow. Somewhat paradoxical whose causes could be attributed to the lack of information (or interest, depending how you look) thereon and an apathy to when establishing basic security measures.

Regarding the latter, the experts point out that, indeed, we have more information on creating a secure password but that, however, we do not apply because of the large number of accounts and records, basically. A reality that several researchers of the US National Institute of Standards and Technology have been responsible for translating into Security Fatigue, a study published earlier this month.

“It’s impossible to create 100 strong passwords that are unique and remember them. It’s even worse if we have to change them periodically,” one of them pointed out at the time.  Users are tired of being overwhelmed by the need to be constantly alert, fed up with all the measures they are asked to take to stay safe, tired of trying to understand the pros and cons of online security.”

Something that could explain the fact that up to 43% of users use the same key for their different accounts online. However, not everyone agrees. In fact, marketing4ecommerce published a few months ago the conclusions of an analysis developed by the GMX mail provider. Results that showed that 19% of peoples have never changed their password, and not only that, but these are extremely easy to discover.

Regardless of what has been said and if you want to know how vulnerable you are online more specifically, the antivirus security firm has published this month a form that will allow you to know your weaknesses. A test that you will be able to respond in a very fast way and that is not enough to test, even if it is pure curiosity. The best thing is that, once finished, it gives you the information and tips you need to remedy .