You wouldn’t leave an elderly relative in a care home without doing your research first, so neither should you leave your beloved pet in a boarding kennel without asking the following important questions.

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How can I locate the best kennel for my pet?

Your veterinary surgeon is likely to know the best facilities in your area, or you may like to ask other dog owners which kennel they would recommend. Although you can find details of local kennels online, you can’t beat a personal recommendation from another dog lover.

Should I visit the kennel first?

Yes, i is important for you to see the facilities that are on offer and get a general feel for the place. For an animal boarding establishment to be licensed in the UK, it will need to provide suitable accommodation, food and bedding. UK You should also check whether it is noisy and whether it looks and smells hygienic. Ask about how often your dog will be walked, the procedure in case of illness, and whether you will be able to check up on your pet via a webcam while you are away.

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What immunisations will my pet need?

The required jabs may be different depending on the area in which you are leaving your pet; for example dog boarding Surrey may have different requirements from boarding in Yorkshire. See your vet to arrange aby vaccinations in plenty of time before your trip.

How secure should the boarding kennel be?

Many kennels are not manned continuously, so you may prefer to choose one that has security fencing and strictly set opening hours. Staff are on site at all times at some boarding kennels, such as, which will give you greater peace of mind when you have to leave a much-loved pet.

What should I do if my pet has health issues?

The boarding kennel in which you decide to leave your pet will need to have all the information about your animal’s disability or medical problem; for example, a dog with a condition such as arthritis may need softer bedding and an animal with sensory difficulties such as deafness may need a little more attention and time from the handler so that they are not startled by the sudden appearance of staff.